Monday, February 25, 2019

GREEN AND BETTER WORLD actively carrying out its PBF activities in BOJEKE village and others communities in the Buea Sub Division

GREEN AND BETTER WORLD actively carrying out its PERFORMANCE BASE FINANCE (PBF) activities in BOJEKE village and others communities in the Buea Sub Division , to improve on health and sanitation of the people , we also encourage eco farming in these villages . The native Bakwerians and non native were very happy and welcoming as usually to provide us with more information and the sharing of knowledge with us . Our volunteer from the village Mr Toni Moses of Bojeke Village see us through out our work , he is a very nice and easy going young man . These villages are very beautiful , conducive , full of fresh natural water from mount Fako and a rich fertile volcanic black soil from the mountain good for agricultural and livestock's activities. the main occupation of these people are farming and animals husbandry. Just visits these villages you will feel the pleasure of man and nature.

Saturday, February 23, 2019


GREEN AND BETTER WORLD youths at the Young Fisher Men Training Center Debundscha in the West Coast Division , these youths are currently undergo training on Maritime fishing , mechanics , transports , business ,civic leadership etc . You can see them mending their fishing nets and operating the engines of their boats , they are good maritime operators and fisher men and women. LONG LIVE GREEN AND BETTER WORLD.

GREEN AND BETTER WORLD and volunteers doing community verification's on health and sanitation

GREEN AND BETTER WORLD and volunteers doing community verification's on Performance Base Finance ( PBF)  in the villages of Bonjongo Court Area in Buea and Mokunda village in Limbe II to improve on the health and sanitation of these communities and the inhabitants . The atmosphere was conducive, beautiful and friendly with the kind hospitable native Bakwerian and non native. Africa is Beautiful.